Commitments/Social and Environmental Responsibility

Pole of excellence in circular economy

For more than 40 years, Groupe François has made decisions bearing economic factors in mind while at the same time considering the respect for a societal and environmental logic.

By following this idea, the Groupe François has naturally evolved towards a model that is significantly propelled by the integration of its companies and activities (see schema below) linked to the packaging sector (palette production centre, collection and repairing of palettes, logistics, sawing, and fabrication of blocks, etc), or to the energy sector (fabrication of combustible wooden pellets from sawing by-products, cogeneration and trigeneration, recycling of end-of-life wood, green electricity, thermal and solar energy production, etc.). The three approaches to sustainable development (economical, environmental and human) interact permanently and positively, and in accordance with an exclusive model in Europe! 

On our sites: 

-    The word "waste" no longer exists!
At each stage of its transformation, and depending on its state, we aim to provide maximum added-value to our local and renewable wood resources.

-    We are entirely independent in terms of energy!
Whether it be to warm us up, dry/fabricate our palettes, blocks or other packaging, all the electricity and heat that we use is green, and comes from our cogeneration centre, recycling end-of-life wood (exclusive expertise from Groupe François), and from our 10,000 m2 solar park.
-    The word "local" takes on great meaning!
Why transport raw materials hundred or even thousands of kilometres when we can use local resources? The François palette fabrication centre recently earned the title of "LOCAL WOOD," which is proof of our commitment to mainly use wood from our regions (maximum 200km away from our companies). 

-    We significantly limit transport!
The integration of our activities allows us to significantly limit the use of transport and greenhouse gas emissions. Saving at both financial and environmental levels!

Schéma valorisation intégrée de la ressource bois local


Control of the raw material

Beyond the economic and environmental aspects, the integration of activities also allows us to really control our raw material, guaranteeing constant high quality for our clients!

The planks and blocks, which are the base of our palette and other packaging productions, mainly come from our own lines of production (RECYBOIS saw mill, block line). This allows us to maintain the strictest quality and control standards (see our certifications).

Apart from the nails, we control the entire production chain, and the traceability of our products, from the tree to your company! 

Social commitment

The place of humankind in our society has always been very important in our values. We favour work that is balanced with our business activity area, and local production carried out with competent, top-quality people.

We have also entered into a partnership lasting over 30 years between Paletteries Francois palette production centres and a protected workshop 'La Gaume,' whose aim is to incorporate disadvantaged people into our teams. Other partnerships are also in place in the form of sub-contracting with other entities into our group. 


Fortified by our business culture and the abundance of solutions that we can offer at the heart of our packaging branch, we constantly seek to offer the best solutions to our clients in terms of their real needs. 

A l’écoute de nos clients, nous avons été et sommes toujours précurseurs dans notre domaine d’activité pour développer de nouvelles alternatives et possibilités afin de mieux rencontrer leurs attentes. 

Professionalism and ethics

The faultless reputation of our group is built on our clients' trust in us over the course of the years. This constantly pushes us towards more exemplary ethics and professionalism.

We say what we do, and we do what we are appointed to do. This seems to go without saying in certain departments (particularly second-hand), which makes us stand out from others.  

Quality policy

The quality of our products and services allows us to satisfy a constantly growing number of clients, and this is the proof of our durability.

In terms of the Paletteries François palette production centres, this is accompanied by an ISO 9001 agreement for the palettes that we produce at our Latour site.